24.12.2015 - Просмотрите доску «aeschynanthus» пользователя Boni Kassel в Pinterest. Description. Plant can bloom at any time of the year with a 152 cm inflorecense and a 15 cm wide flower. Accessed: 2018 November 6. Plant can bloom at any time of the year with a 152 cm inflorecense and a 15 cm wide flower. Three long sepals grow upwards from the top of the orchid while two petals grow off the side of the orchid. Psychopsis papilio is an epiphytic orchid from South America. Lo stelo non va tagliato dopo la sfioritura, perché dallo stesso ripartirà una nuova fioritura. Psychopsis versteegiana (Pulle) Lückel & Braem 1982. Psychopsis papilio is native to Trinidad, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. You should only repot your orchid when you see the roots starting to come through the potting medium, so every two to three years. Psychopsis orchids have flowers that are unique to the plant world. Psychopsis papilio synonyms, Psychopsis papilio pronunciation, Psychopsis papilio translation, English dictionary definition of Psychopsis papilio. Flowers last up to one month, but bloom off same inflorescence for years. It has some remarkable clones, including famous Psychopsis Papilio ‘Mendenhall/ FCC/AOS clone, and some alba clones with solid yellow flowers. Temperature: 14°- 27°C Annaffiature: da settimanali a giornaliere a seconda dell’ambiente di coltivazione, periodo e composto utilizzato, con nebulizzazioni giornaliere.Adeguare le bagnature al periodo considerando che il substrato deve asciugare quasi … Purchase Psychopsis kalihi on karnivores.com. Depending on your light conditions, you'll have different blooms. Questo può dipendere sia da un eccesso sia da una carenza di umidità. Psychopsis. Psychopsis krameriana in The Orders and Families of Monocotyledons. Psychp. During your plant's rest period in the fall and winter months, you should only water them once every two weeks to prevent root rot. Pronunciation: sye-COP-siss Other Names: Butterfly Orchids. Cut back your feeding to once a month until you begin to see new growth. È una pianta acidofila, cioè predilige terreni acidi. Bisogna evitare i ristagni che potrebbero causare marciumi radicali. La Psychopsis papilio si concima ogni 3 bagnature, con 1/3 della dose indicata sul flacone di un apposito concime liquido per le orchidee. PSYCHOPSIS (scheda di coltivazione) Cliccare sulla foto per ingrandire Lo Psychopsis è sicuramente una delle mie tre orchidee preferite. The type species is Psychopsis papilio, which has yellow with orange 6 inch wide insectoid flowers. This orchid's pseudobulbs are clustered tightly together, and each pseudobulb produces a single leaf and a succession of flowers. However, the more shade your orchid gets, the fewer flowers it produces but the flower will be larger and more brightly colored. 2018. Le Miltonia fiorisce in primavera e in autunno, ma ci sono anche alcune orchidee che in natura hanno una fioritura continua, come la Psychopsis papilio, che produce un fiore alla volta, ma che nelle nostre case, a causa della scarsa illuminazione invernale, fiorisce solo dalla primavera fino all’autunno. Psychopsis Orchids are getting more and more popular because of their unusual flower. During your orchid's active growth period in the spring and summer months, you will want to water them every two to three days. Although plant is warm growing, it can tolerate intermediate temperatures. Jones: Création : février 2010. Published on the internet. If you keep your orchid under brighter conditions, your flowers will be duller shades and smaller. Psychopsis are epiphytic orchids with laterally crushed cylindrical pseudobulbs from which two fleshy coriaceous leaves appear apically, in their center two floral wands emerge with large golden yellow flowers with purple spots on bands in sepals and on the lip whose edges are forming folds. Photo Florzinha de estufa Orquídeas & Companhia Lda. Another Flower Detail Photo by Jean-Marie Vanderwinden and his Orchidoman Webpage. and their Orchid Blogspot Page. Water around every 2 to 3 days. Psychopsis papilio is found in Trinidad, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru in trees of montane forests from 800 to 1200 meters. If you choose to mount them, you'll need sphagnum moss to help them retain water. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Beautiful blooms can help evaporate the day’s anxieties and the butterfly orchid can do just that. 1838: Psychopsis papilio (Lindl.) Pronunciation: sye-COP-siss (click on the name to hear it spoken) Tribe: Cymbidieae Subtribe: Oncidiinae Psychopsis with 38 chromosomes and two pollinia grow epiphytically in wet rainforest and also dry upland forest.The pseudobulbs are tightly clustered, oval, oblong and almost round, very compressed, wrinkled, often dull red. [2]Artens utbredningsområde anges som från Panama till södra tropiska Sydamerika och Trinidad. La procedura di come si effettuano le concimazioni è descritta in dettaglio nella sezione Tecniche di coltivazione di questo blog. [2] [3] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. H.G. to mostly . Close up of column. Il substrato deve essere molto ben drenante: utilizzare quindi corteccia tagliata sottilmente, osmunda, sfagno e substrati specifici per orchidee. Nighttime temperatures should ideally stay between 55°F to 58°F (12°C to 14°C). Oncidium papilio, Ora Psychopsis papilio. If there is no way you can keep your orchid under shadier conditions, you can help them tolerate higher light levels by providing constant airflow and higher humidity levels. Closing that immobilizes the pot, and placing of the color label that allows to identify the box content straightaway. They like partial shade, and they don't tolerate direct sunlight. Dilute this fertilizer mix to one-half or one-quarter strength before you feed your orchid. If over watered the plant may rot from fungus. Rafinesque 1835. Autore Simone Pubblicato il 16 Ottobre 2019 16 Maggio 2020 Categorie Come fare, Esperienze di coltivazione, Ibride Tag Psychopsis 1 commento su VIVA GLI PSYCO. This plant likes to be moist, but it likes to dry out between watering as well. Psychopsis Mountain Alba: Caratteristiche & coltivazione Da qui potete scaricare le schede che vi possono servire. C’è da dire che la coltivazione in zattera ha bisogno di molte più attenzioni, che, in tutta sincerità, non ho dedicato a questa pianta.. lezione imparata! The orchid's lip is a broad petal that reaches downward hence the name Butterfly Orchid. Psychopsis very often grows on the trunks and branches of trees. Jones: Psychopsis picta Raf. During the daytime hours, they like a temperature range between 80°F to 90°F (27°C to 32°C) because they come from tropical regions. Keep humidity high during summer and well ventalated. ex Lindl.) Kalihii 'Green Valley' alba 白變種蛾形 鵝黃色變型金鋼. If you grow them in pots, they need a fast draining, light mixture to thrive. (esperienze di coltivazione) PSYCHOPSIS (scheda di coltivazione) Reference page. Psychopsis orchids have flowers that are unique to the plant world. Reduce watering in the winter and let pot dry between waterings. Photo by Libor Jankowsky . Height of Spike:40-100 cm Size of Flower:3-7 cm; Fragrance:No Fragrant COLTIVAZIONE. Three long sepals grow upwards from the top of the orchid while two petals grow off the side of the orchid. Govaerts, R. et al. Psychopsis papilio.Caratteristiche: Origine: Trinidad, Guyana Francese, Suriname, Venezuela, Colombia e Brasile. Esistono in vendita appositi substrati per piante acidofile, ma un comune terriccio universale contenente torba andrà benissimo. Dernière modification : février 2010. You want to flush your orchid between fertilizer applications to prevent buildup. Gli Oncidium sono le cosiddette orchidee ballerine, sempreverdi, che comprende specie di estrema varietà e quindi di difficile generalizzazione in quanto gli habitat naturali in cui si ritrovano sono tra i più diversi, dal livello del mare al limite delle nevi andine. synopsis - Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum. Accessed: 2018 November 6. The good thing is they are very easy to grow! During the winter months when this orchid goes through a rest period, they like slightly cooler temperatures. You can grow these orchids in pots or mounted on slabs of wood. Published on the internet. Feed your plant a well-balanced fertilizer once a week in the spring and summer months. Temperature: 30°C (max in estate) - 15°C (min in inverno) Luminosità: 18.000 - 25.000 LUX. Many orchid growers have Psychosis because it is very easy to grow and the flower is so pretty and unusual. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Flowers last up to one month, but bloom off same inflorescence for years. [2] "Acido" non significa "corrosivo", ma solo terreno con valore di pH inferiore a 7. During the daytime hours, temperatures should stay between 82°F and 84°F (28°C to 29°C). Common Name Versteeg's Psychopsis [Dutch Orchid Collector - Surinam] ... Oncidium Psychopsis Papilio. Desde aqui pueden descargar las fichas que les interesan. Orchids Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Descrizione. Use potting media such as chopped sphagnum, tree fern fibers, fir bark, charcoal or perlite. They like humidity levels between 75% and 85%. Keep the plant in shade to moderate light and in a well drain mix or mounted. Water regularly in spring to fall. L'orchidea Psychopsis può presentare qualche problema di coltivazione: molti collezionisti, anche esperti, notano che si presenta con particolare frequenza il seccume dei nuovi getti a foglia. Lückel & Jenny 1999. Oncidium Psychopsis Papilio. Noun 1. https://orchids.fandom.com/wiki/Psychopsis_papilio?oldid=21291, Psychopsis papilio var. oakhillgardens.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC associates program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. latourae (Broadway) Lückel & Braem 1982: Psychopsis papilio (Lindl.) albiflora (Rchb.f. Ideally, you want 10% perlite, 10% charcoal, and the rest to be the fine-grade tree fir fiber. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc, or its affiliates, The Meanings And Symbolisms Of Orchids And Their Colors, 13 Pink Orchids Every Collector Should Have. The orchid's lip is a broad petal that reaches downward hence the name Butterfly Orchid. OrchidWeb offers a wide selection of quality orchid species, hybrids and supplies with special care in our shipping. Psychopsis papilio: 1 n orchid of South America and Trinidad having large yellow and reddish-brown flowers; sometimes placed in genus Oncidium Synonyms: Oncidium papilio Type of: butterfly orchid any orchid of the genus Psychopsis: spectacular large tiger-striped orchids Innaffiare una Phalaenopsis è una delle domande più frequenti che i neofiti si pongono poichè c''è sempre il timore d'innaffiare nella maniera sbagliata, di fornire troppa o poca acqua, ma in realtà la questione non è poi così spinosa come sembra. L'orchidea Psychopsis può presentare qualche problema di coltivazione: molti collezionisti, anche esperti, notano che si presenta con particolare frequenza il seccume dei nuovi getti a foglia. Psychopsis papilio ingår i släktet Psychopsis och familjen orkidéer. The flowers traditionally bloom for ten days per cycle, and they come in vibrant yellows, oranges, reds, and browns. H.G. Schede di coltivazione Fichas de cultivo . Your potting medium should contain perlite, sphagnum moss, charcoal, and fine-grade tree fir fiber. Coltivazione Le Phalaenopsis si coltivano spesso invaso, in interno. Psychopsis papilio var. In Venezuela, the plants meet in the northern provinces of Carabobo, Lara, Mérida, Miranda and Trujillo, at an altitude of 800-1200 m. This species grows in a relatively high, dense forest in … During the nighttime hours, temperatures can drop down to between 60°F and 65°F (16°C to 18°C) without a problem. Centro America, Caraibi, L-C-R. Psychopsis krameriana in World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Per una corretta coltivazione si raccomanda una posizione luminosa, un buon substrato drenante e attenzione alle bagnature. Посмотрите больше идей на темы «растения, цветы, комнатные цветы». Listen to Danny of Miss Orchid Girl talk about care tips. See more exquisite blooms when you scroll through our comprehensive list of orchid varieties. Psychopsis papilio [1] är en orkidéart som först beskrevs av John Lindley, och fick sitt nu gällande namn av Henry Gordon Jones. Flowers born on single flowered, successively blooming erect inflorescences. In their natural habitat, Psychopsis orchids see moderate to heavy rainfall totals. In the early fall months, you may want to switch your fertilizer to higher phosphorus and lower nitrogen mix to promote healthy growth and blooms in the spring. You may need to increase this if the temperature is hotter to every morning, but make sure you're not overwatering them as well. You'll find that this orchid is quite forgiving of temperatures fluctuations, and they can survive large changes relatively unscathed. Questo può dipendere sia da un eccesso sia da una carenza di umidità.

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