Tell us what features and improvements you would like to see on Pets4Homes. Se lo volete dovete essere sicuri di poterlo seguire a vita! Sharing a home with a Lab means satisfying their urge to hunt which can be done by interactive play and by hiding favourite toys around the home for a dog to find which is a game that Labs thoroughly enjoy. Risultato di… Allevatore serio e disponibile. 2.800. Il termine carattere del cane indica una serie di dati psichici dell’animale come la curiosità, la tempra, la simpatia ecc. Frequent visits to the vet also helps catch any health issues earlier rather than later which often means the prognosis is a lot better for a dog. Che sia ben chiaro a tutti… il cane non è una cosa ma un essere senziente! Pets4Homes also recommends that no dog be left alone at home for more than 4 hours at a time. n. 736 del 09.05.2005) n. 5327 del 26.03.2012, Autorizzazione Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali, Autorizzazione Camera di Commercio e Artigianato R.E.A. The downside to a dog having a high pack drive, is that they are more at risk of suffering from separation anxiety when left on their own. Chocolate lab, Silver lab and Charcoal Gray lab puppies. Labrador Retriever. 18 Ottobre 2020 - 11:39 da Georgiana Valentina Marian, © 2021 Società Agricola MyLabrador s.s. | Allevamento Professionale Labrador Retriever con Autorizzazione ASL (IT022FC037), Convivenza e linguaggio del labrador e il gatto. Letting a Lab run free in a safe environment where there are other dogs provides a ton of mental stimulation as well as exercise. Labrador Retriever: carattere. If not given enough exercise, Labs get bored and are more at risk of putting on weight which negatively impacts their well-being. Giocherellone Simpatico, è il cane più giocoso e gioioso al mondo. Fare clic per attivare/disattivare il monitoraggio di Google Analytics. Labrador Retrievers do have a strong prey drive, but the good news is that through careful and early training, this can be gently curbed so it is redirected in a positive way by playing safe and fun interactive games with them. A well socialised and happy Lab will defend their territory and their families if the need arises, but much less so than many other breeds. Most Labradors are known to have hearty appetites and will overeat if an owner allows them to. If you do have younger children and are looking to buy or adopt a dog, we advise against larger or strong dog breeds. Alleviamo Labrador Retrievers per salute, carattere e morfologia. Cane di compagnia e fedele amico, il labrador è un cane dalle molte caratteristiche e spiccate qualità Scopritene di più sul labrador in questo video. The breed originates from Newfoundland, which from the 16th century was renowned for the fishing industry with well-established trading routes between England and Canada. Dogs like meeting other dogs so they can interact which is important for Labrador Retrievers. Carattere del cane: che personalità ha il tuo quattro zampe? Il cane Labrador Retriever, risponde perfettamente allo stereotipo che lo accompagna da sempre: è un cane dotato di un buonissimo temperamento. Labrador Retriever: carattere La prima cosa che vi verrà da dire guardando negli occhi di un Labrador Retriever è che è un cane dolce e intelligente. They thrive in a home environment where they receive plenty of attention, training, exercise and mental stimulation. Utilizziamo i cookie per farci sapere quando visitate i nostri siti web, come interagite con noi, per arricchire la vostra esperienza utente e per personalizzare il vostro rapporto con il nostro sito web. Pets4Homes rates the "Labrador Retriever" breed as 4 out of 5 for "Grooming Needs". However, because a breed is known to be a fast learner, it means they are just as quick to pick up bad habits too. They Were Bred For Different Jobs. Male dogs too should be neutered when they are 6 months old and not beforehand because both testicles need to have fully descended before the surgery can be carried out. The breed was later used to retrieve game when birds were flushed out and shot by hunters which often took place in challenging environments which included watery marshlands. Quite a few Labs can also develop chronic ear problems as a result of yeast infections and even when treated, the problem soon recurs. Eyes are usually brown or hazel and medium in size with most breeders claiming they express an even temper and intelligence the breed is renowned for. Nel Labrador anche in presenza di un pedigree si possono presentare dei difetti estetici e caratteriali che vengono descritti dallo Standard FCI n. 122 del 12.01.2011. Labs are not known to have a strong herding drive and therefore it is not generally something an owner need worry about when sharing a home with a Labrador Retriever. Labs do a lot better if their exercise includes other things apart from just walking more especially if they are in the prime of life and don't suffer from any health issues. Houseproud people should choose a low shedding breed to make their lives easier and there are a lot ​of low shedding breeds ​to choose from. Their wide muzzle contains a set of strong teeth with a bite which should meet with scissor-like precision, enabling a 'soft mouth' in the field capable of holding game firmly, yet gently without causing any damage to any animals or birds they are sent to retrieve. Simply click here to find out more The web presence is worth checking out. A lot of breeds are easy maintenance on the grooming front and only need a weekly brush to keep their coats looking good and their skin in great condition. Pets4homes always recommends that potential owners take the time to read up on a dog's intelligence and their needs before making the final decision on which breed is best for them. Pets4homes always recommends that potential owners check out a breed's intelligence and their specific energy needs before making their final decision so their dog's needs fit in well with their lifestyle. Sono ormai sei anni che Kara Lynn fa parte della nostra famiglia. MyLabrador’s è un’allevamento etico, professionale e certificato dedicato alla razza Labrador Retriever riconosciuto ENCI (Ente Nazionale Cinofilia Italiana), FCI (Federazione Cinologica Internazionale), iscritto Registro Allevatori ENCI e Autorizzazione Sanitaria IT022FC037. Un cane stupendo, dolce e sanissimo! Carattere del Labrador retriever Per essere un padrone consapevole e responsabile nei confronti del proprio cane è sempre bene conoscere in profondità anche i tratti caratteriali del proprio animale, non soltanto quelli fisici. The rule of thumb when grooming a Lab is to brush a dead coat out in the spring and then again in the autumn which allows their new coats to grow through that much faster. Poiché questi cookie sono strettamente necessari per la fruizione del sito web, non è possibile rifiutarli senza influire sul funzionamento del nostro sito. They respond extremely well to positive reinforcement training, but do not answer well to any sort of harsh correction of heavier handed treatment which could have an adverse effect on a dog’s confidence and nature. Simply click here to find out more The web presence is worth checking out. See more ideas about puppies, silver labrador retriever, dogs. 17 Febbraio 2005 n.5 – Delibera di G.R. I didn’t even walk, I took the… Discover (and save!) However, these sellers ask buyers for money up front before they agree to delivering a puppy to a new home. Tieni presente che il blocco di alcuni tipi di cookie potrebbe influire sulla tua esperienza sui nostri siti Web e sui servizi che siamo in grado di offrire. As a rough guide, the average cost to keep and care for a Lab would be in the region of £80 - £100 a month depending on the level of insurance cover you opt to buy, but this does not include the initial cost of buying a well-bred pedigree Labrador Retriever puppy. How much should you pay for a Cockapoo puppy? Particolarmente paziente e docile, è molto raccomandato come cane guida di persone non vedenti. See more ideas about Labrador puppy, Labrador, Lab puppies. Ideally this should be a minimum of 2 hours a day and more if possible. Other breeds take their time to learn new things and need more in the way of repetition to get it right which in short, means more time ​and ​patience is needed when training them. Both retrievers are loved for their gentle nature which is why they are used as therapy and working dogs. They have an incredible sense of smell which enables them to track down prey or anything else which includes a favourite treat that an owner has hidden away. Il collo è molto solido e forte, gli arti anteriori sono perpendicolari  al suolo e devono avere una buona ossatura. The best way to do this is to bath a Lab using a dog specific shampoo and to thoroughly blow dry them afterwards before carefully running a slicker brush the coat. Labrador Retrievers are renowned for their kind and willing natures which in short, means they are relatively easy to train which is why they are such a popular choice of working gundog. Giocherellone Simpatico, è il cane più giocoso e gioioso al mondo. se pensi di non portarlo fuori anche quando piove, nevica o tira vento, se pensi che un cucciolo si può acquistare anche in un negozio o da qualche annuncio tanto “è uguale”. They are considered one of the best disposed and affable of dogs on the planet which is just one of the reasons why they always figure high on the list of best family pet not only in the UK, but elsewhere in the world too. They constantly lick and chew at an affected area which they do to relieve the itchiness they are experiencing. With this said, a Lab might develop an allergy to something other than food. Drives on the other hand relate to "motivation" rather than the ability to do something. Labrador Retrievers need quite a bit of care and attention, but they are one of the best choices for first-time dog owners because of their affectionate and loyal natures. Rarely displaying aggression, this ease of nature makes them unsurpassable, not only as pets, but also as assistance and working dogs. Key Breed FactsBreed CharacteristicsBreed HighlightsIntroductionHistoryAppearanceTemperamentIntelligence / TrainabilityChildren and Other PetsHealthCaring for a Labrador RetrieverGroomingExerciseFeedingAverage Cost to keep/care for a Labrador RetrieverBreed Specific Buying Advice. Article from 7+ Spectacular Breed Focus Labrador Retriever Ideas. Labrador Retriever. The Popularity Ranking for the Labrador Retriever breed is : This ranking is calculated by counting all of the adverts placed for sale, adoption, Stud and wanted on the website throughout the year 2018, for this dog breed. Sono intelligenti, socievoli, docili, tranquilli e propensi ad imparare ed obbedire. Where Labrador Retrievers are concerned, it is a good idea to understand their natural instincts and their various drives because it helps better understand a dog and will also provide valuable information about the breed when it comes to training which is especially true when it comes to "unwanted" behaviours. 07-oct-2020 - RAZA DE PERROS: LABRADOR El Seguro Veterinario para tu Labrador y el de Responsabilidad Civil. As such, they do not like finding themselves on their own for too long and will suffer separation anxiety if they do. Dolce, fedele, intelligente e giocherellone, il Labrador è il compagno ideale per tutti. . golden retriever significa vitalitÀ e dolcezza Non credo di aver mai sentito il proprietario di un Golden Retriever affermare che non ripeterebbe la propria scelta. They also need to be given regular daily exercise to make sure they remain fit and healthy. A dog's instinct in a situation they find dangerous is to fight or flee. I consigli del veterinario - greenMe . Eccellenti linee di sangue. Dogs are born with specific "instincts" which they don't have to be taught. Both men developed a keen interest in the breed and arranged for a selection of dogs to be imported to the UK. Pets4Homes rates the "Labrador Retriever" breed as 5 out of 5 for "Exercise Needs". As previously mentioned, Labs mature slowly and therefore they retain their puppy playfulness that much longer than many other breeds. se la prima cosa che chiedi all’allevatore: ma il cane puzza? When it comes to their coat and colours, Labrador Retrievers can be the following which are all accepted breed colours under the Kennel Club breed standard: It is worth noting that the shade of a yellow Lab's coat can be light cream to a deeper red fox. The great thing about Labs is they just love to please and will do their level best to get things right, not only because of the reward they might get, but because they enjoy pleasing the people they love so much. Fa amicizia facilmente e fin tanto che gli si danno carezze e attenzioni, considera tutti (o quasi) come persone gentili. It's very important to keep veterinary appointments so that a Lab puppy can be given all their vaccinations and taking them to the surgery when young gets them used to all those strange smells that can unnerve many dogs. Ciao, visto i tuoi impegni personalmente ti sconsiglio assolutamente questa razza che ha molto bisogno di compagnia se parli con un bravo allevatore vedrai che te lo comfermerà al contrario di chi vuole vendere cuccioli a chiunque senza fare domande. Highly intelligent dogs do well when they take part in "obedience training" and other canine activities where they get to use their brains while at the same time having a great workout. Pets4homes always recommends that potential owners ask breeders about any genetic diseases that are known to affect a breed and to see all the results of DNA and other tests carried out on parent dogs before they commit to buying a puppy from them. I consigli del veterinario - greenMe ... Quasi 2anni buon carattere mix Labrador MILANO. Carattere del Labrador Retriever Affettuoso È un cane particolarmente dolce e affettuoso con i membri del suo gruppo sociale. On top of this, Labrador Retrievers need to be fed good quality diet throughout their lives to ensure all their nutritional needs are met. Labrador Retrievers are known to have this trait in them, but the good news is that with gentle training, the guard drive can be curbed so that a dog does not feel the need to guard their resources which includes food, toys, the kids and anything else a Lab might not want to share. Risultato di… Allevatore serio e disponibile. Labradors are known to like their food and are prone to putting on weight if fed the incorrect amount to suit their ages and the amount of daily exercise they are given. Because of this, a dog may become overweight or obese all too easily, a dilemma that can affect their overall health and shorten their life span considerably. May 30, 2013 - Silver / Charcoal Labrador Retriever Puppy Dog Puppies Dogs Lab Labs #Pups #Scenthound #Hound #Dogs #Puppy #Dog #Puppies #Hunting. Generally known and loved for their cheerful Other people think the breed was named after the Portuguese word "lavradores" or the Spanish word "labradores" which when translated means rural/agricultural workers. Non è un cane aggressivo, è un pessimo cane da guardia, si limiterà infatti solo ad abbaiare in caso di estranei. Some breeds are known to be highly intelligent which generally means they are easier to train and that they learn new things quickly. Because Labs are known to suffer from quite a few hereditary, congenital and acquired health issues, it is very important for owners to keep a close eye on their pet's health. Medium and large size breeds are often better suited to families with children, although it's important to note that not all breeds tolerate being roughly handled by younger kids. For further advice please read our article on Keeping Children Safe around Dogs.

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